Young Worker Safety Training

Create & Maintain a Safe and Inclusive Workplace

Introduction: Young Worker Safety

There are hazards in every workplace and you – the young and inexperienced workers are especially at risk.

Slips and falls, over exertion, falling objects, exposure to hazardous chemicals, and contact with hazardous materials all cause injuries to young workers.

A hazard is anything that can hurt you or make you ill.

We deal with hazards everyday – walking across busy streets, driving to school or work, playing sports we enjoy – and we take it for granted that nothing will happen to us. But the hazards you face at work are different. Why? Because you’ve been trained how to deal with everyday hazards by your parents, teachers and coaches. You haven’t been trained how to recognize, assess and control the hazards you may find in the workplace. And, in this case, ignorance is not bliss.

We deal with hazards everyday – driving to school or work, playing sports – and you probably think you are invincible and nothing will ever happen to you. But the hazards you will face at work are different.

You haven’t been trained how to recognize, assess, and control hazards you may find in the workplace.

  • Chemical – e.g., liquids, vapors, gases, flammable materials
  • Physical – e.g., ladders and scaffolds, unguarded moving machinery parts
  • Biological – e.g., insect bites, blood and body fluids
  • Ergonomic – e.g., poor workstation design, constant lifting
  • Other workers are being injured on the job.
  • You’re working without direct supervision.
  • You haven’t been trained properly.
  • Equipment is unguarded and/or broken.
  • Containers of chemicals aren’t labeled.
  • Safety shortcuts are used to save time.
  • No safety gear is provided.

In this training you will learn how to protect yourself and what your rights are to ensure you arrive home safe at the end of the workday. Speak up! Talk to your family about your job. Let them know if you think something’s wrong in the workplace.

Each day in Canada, more than forty workers under the age of 19 are injured on the job. In 2017, according to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, there were 951 workplace fatalities recorded in Canada. Among these deaths, twenty-three were young workers: nineteen aged 20-24 and four aged 15-19. During the same period, 31,441 young workers lost time due to a work-related injury or disease: 23,269 between the ages of 20-24 and 8,172 between the ages of 15-19. The most common work-related injuries were sprains and strains. Don’t be the next statistic!

Learning Objectives

At the end of this training, you should be able to:


HR Proactive Inc. offers several options to train employees, quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

HR Pro Hosted LMS

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SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File to upload to your Learning Management System

Streaming Service

Streaming Service

Streaming Service Platform with offline options

Virtual Training

Virtual Training

For 5-100+ Participants. Virtual Custom Meetings

HR Proactive Inc. is here to assist you with your company's training needs.

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"HR Proactive has helped us stay ahead of the curve of ever changing requirements for Health and Safety training. HR Proactive’s extensive suite of Health & Safety training programs such as Worker Health and Safety, Supervisor Awareness, WHMIS, and Young Workers provides us with previously unavailable fully customizable materials to meet our municipality’s needs."
Daniel M. Holmes
Community Emergency Management Coordinator
Township of Champlain

Occupational Health and Safety Law

The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that every member of the workplace do their part to ensure a safe and healthy environment. The Act legislates duties and responsibilities for the employer, supervisor, worker and others.

These duties and responsibilities for employers, supervisors and workers overlap and complement each other. Together, they create what’s known as the Internal Responsibility System.

  • Make sure that required health and safety training is given to you;
  • Make sure that you are provided with proper equipment and trained to use it safely;
  • Make your supervisors and you aware of any known hazards in the workplace;
  • Take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect you; in workplaces with more than five workers, have a written health and safety policy and program, and post it where you can read it;
  • Post the names of the Joint Health and Safety Committee members or Health and Safety Representatives where you can see them;
  • Post the Act and the WSIB In Case of Injury poster where you can read them;
  • Post Ministry of Labour orders where you can see them.
  • Make sure that you (the worker) follow the law and the company safety rules;
  • Make sure that you work safely and use any required safety equipment;
  • Advise you of the existence of any potential or actual danger to your health and safety that they are aware of;
  • Take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect you.
  • Comply with the Act, any applicable regulations and the company health and safety rules;
  • Use all machines and equipment the way you were trained to use them;
  • Use any required personal protective equipment (such as hard hat, goggles, gloves and safety glasses) the way you were trained. Don’t change them in any way;
  • Report any hazards you see to your supervisor as well as anything you think may contravene the Act, its regulations or company safety rules; always work safely and not fool around.

What Are My Rights and Responsibilities?

Both the provincial and federal governments have laws to protect the health and safety of workers under their jurisdictions. Most, but not all, workers are protected by occupational health and safety legislation. In each province or territory, there is an act (typically called the Occupational Health and Safety Act or something similar), which applies to most workplaces in that region.

Three Rights

The Occupational Health and Safety Act gives every worker three important rights.

You have the right to know the hazards in your job. Your employer or supervisor must tell you about anything in your job that can hurt you. Your employer must make sure you are provided with the information you need so that you can work safely.
You have the right to take part in keeping your workplace healthy and safe. Depending on the size of the company, you can be part of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC), or be a Health and Safety Representative.
If you believe the job is likely to endanger, you can refuse to do it in most situations.

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