There are hazards in every workplace and you – the young and inexperienced workers are especially at risk.
Slips and falls, over exertion, falling objects, exposure to hazardous chemicals, and contact with hazardous materials all cause injuries to young workers.
A hazard is anything that can hurt you or make you ill.
We deal with hazards everyday – walking across busy streets, driving to school or work, playing sports we enjoy – and we take it for granted that nothing will happen to us. But the hazards you face at work are different. Why? Because you’ve been trained how to deal with everyday hazards by your parents, teachers and coaches. You haven’t been trained how to recognize, assess and control the hazards you may find in the workplace. And, in this case, ignorance is not bliss.
We deal with hazards everyday – driving to school or work, playing sports – and you probably think you are invincible and nothing will ever happen to you. But the hazards you will face at work are different.
You haven’t been trained how to recognize, assess, and control hazards you may find in the workplace.
In this training you will learn how to protect yourself and what your rights are to ensure you arrive home safe at the end of the workday. Speak up! Talk to your family about your job. Let them know if you think something’s wrong in the workplace.
Each day in Canada, more than forty workers under the age of 19 are injured on the job. In 2017, according to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, there were 951 workplace fatalities recorded in Canada. Among these deaths, twenty-three were young workers: nineteen aged 20-24 and four aged 15-19. During the same period, 31,441 young workers lost time due to a work-related injury or disease: 23,269 between the ages of 20-24 and 8,172 between the ages of 15-19. The most common work-related injuries were sprains and strains. Don’t be the next statistic!
At the end of this training, you should be able to:
HR Proactive Inc. offers several options to train employees, quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
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The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that every member of the workplace do their part to ensure a safe and healthy environment. The Act legislates duties and responsibilities for the employer, supervisor, worker and others.
These duties and responsibilities for employers, supervisors and workers overlap and complement each other. Together, they create what’s known as the Internal Responsibility System.
Both the provincial and federal governments have laws to protect the health and safety of workers under their jurisdictions. Most, but not all, workers are protected by occupational health and safety legislation. In each province or territory, there is an act (typically called the Occupational Health and Safety Act or something similar), which applies to most workplaces in that region.
Three Rights
The Occupational Health and Safety Act gives every worker three important rights.
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